
Australia: Tax Office Updated Several GST-related Guidelines

September 4, 2024
Australia: Tax Office Updated Several GST-related Guidelines

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) recently updated several guidelines related to the GST. As a governing body regulating and implementing GST provisions, the ATO guidelines and official comments provide a valuable source of information for all businesses and individuals engaged in the supply of goods and services in Australia.

These updates are vital because they clarify important GST-related issues and help all interested parties achieve compliance with Australian GST rules. 

Updated GST Guidelines

One of the first updated guidelines was on penalties and interest. This guide explains when and how penalties and interest apply, including those for failure to respect tax obligations. The information included in these guidelines covers interest charges, administrative, excise, promoter penalties, and prosecutions.

The second updated  GST-related guideline concerns supplies made by charities and benchmark values. This guideline consists of four additional updated guidelines. Together, they provide valuable information on what conditions charities and non-profit organizations must meet for their supplies to be GST-free. 

It further explains when an independent market valuation is applied, the benchmark market values, when and how they apply, and information on benchmark market value tables for accommodation and meals.

In addition to the previously mentioned one, the GST food and beverage and health classification guidelines have also been updated. The food and beverage guidelines help determine which foods and beverages are taxable and which are GST-free. Similarly, GST-related health guidelines explain what health products and services are GST-taxable and which are GST-free.


All businesses involved in Australia's food and beverage or health industries should familiarize themselves further with the updated guidelines to determine if any changes significantly impact their business operations.

Furthermore, those who breach the GST rules may find updated information on penalties and interest essential since they could apply to them. This will help these businesses to prepare for future steps towards compliance with Australian GST and tax regulations.

Source: ATO - Penalties and interest, ATO - GST and supplies by charities, ATO - Stay on top of food, beverage and health GST classification, ATO - GST food classification guidance, ATO - GST health guidance

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