ViDA: Key Developments in EU Tax Reform for the Digital Age
VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) is the most important legislative regulation that was adopted in 2024 on the EU level when it comes to VAT. Following the agreement regarding the ViDA proposal that was reached at the ECOFIN meeting on November 5, further developments and advancements have been made in the implementation process.
One of those advancements was the issuance of the Draft European Parliament Legislative Resolution (Draft Report) regarding the Council’s Draft Directive Amending EU VAT Directive in accordance with the ViDA package.
The Importance of the Draft Report
The draft contains the recapitulation of the previous achievement in the process from December 2022 when the European Commission presented the ViDA package, that includes three proposals, over November 2023 when the European Parliament was consulted and delivered its opinion, up to the November 2024, when the Council agreed on the ViDA package.
Nevertheless, due to the differences between the Commission’s proposal, on which the European Parliament was consulted, and the final text, the Council decided to consult with the European Parliament once again on the final version.
The European Parliament approved the Council’s draft amending the EU VAT Directive due to adoption of the ViDA package, and requested to be notified and consulted regarding any further changes from the text that was presented.
One of the most notable conclusions made by the European Parliament was referring to the implementation deadlines. Upon receiving the initial Commission proposal, the European Parliament stated that longer implementation deadlines should be defined. Now, in the final version of the text, the Council even further extended the deadlines, which is in line with the suggestion made by the European Parliament.
The positive tone of the European Parliament Draft Report is one more step in the right direction to implementing ViDA. Although this outcome could be expected, following the suggestions made in the Parliament's initial opinion, the fact that the Parliament and Council are agreeing on the implementation deadlines and other important rules is a encouraging for the implementation of this historical EU tax reform.
Source: Draft European Parliament Legislative Resolution

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